Friday, January 21, 2011


why sing when others are better?
why perform to show your talent when others will just compare and think other wise?
why  wear different clothes, have different hair when people will just point and stare?
why speak up when you cant say better?
why talk when all your going to do is cause pain?
why fight when your weak?

why try when all your gonna do is fail?

because atleast you tried. the fact that you did that proves you have not failed. aslong as you dont give up.

we are made to judge, unfortunetly no one can change that aspect in us humans. however it us our choice to make these things effect us or not.

darkness is the absence of light. sin is the absence of goodness.

just because you cant see something, does not mean it does not exist.
just because i cant see God, does not mean he does not exist.

what is the true meaning of life?
there is no right or wrong answer. the answer is how each of us interperate it to be.

why people may perform infront of others, dispite them knowing they are not that talented, is not because they are wanting to seek attention. its the fact that they are actually not performing for others to watch, but for themselves. they are performing, doing the best they can, and they do not care to what others say or think because its what they think of themselves. they did well because  once again... they tried.

people hurt us to take away our happiness, but if we just smile back at them, not carinig we take that happiness right away back from them.