Monday, December 26, 2011


there is such thing as perfect. its just that the world has made and twisted the definiation of beauty. you are no loner beautiful if you're not tall, skinny, has a slender face, or attractive eyes. girls have to somehow be a size 6, with a weight less than 50kgs, and need to have long eye lashes with a trail of perfect locks.
and no matter how hard most of us girls try to hide the fact that we accept ourselves, the truth is that we all hate who we are. we hate the way we look. we stare in the mirror and a part of us cries at how
imperfect' or 'ugly' we are. but in reality, why should we be staring at oursleves in the mirror in the first place, judging and conforming to the twisted definiation of what the society has created as 'beauty'.
sadly enough, no matter how many people tell us we are beautiful, none of us will believe it. because now its not about what other people say its about how we accept ourselves.
' you need to be beautiful for others to love you' ' you need to be skinny for people to accept you' ' you have to have big and defined eyes to be famous'
none of this should mean anything, none of this should be true. but it is.

what has happened? i thought real beauty came from the heart. guess its now a fragment of the past.

you know what's sad to see? facebook teeming with 'beautiful girls', comments on social networks about girls ranting on about losing weight. hearing friends talking about plastic surgery, or talking about how sad they feel about being 'fat'. guys discussing that a girls only beautiful if she had big boobs and a nice ass. none of it makes sense. it just causes pain.
God made us all in his perfect image already. so why hurt yourselves trying to be 'perfect' when we already are.

like a coin