Friday, February 26, 2010


im glad im back, so much as been freeed from my heart. all those confusing feelings, emotions all gone.
those chains that were wrpapped around my wings, boudning me, locked up in my cage, have finnaly been broken and i am now free. i spread my wings out, stretch them wide and relise how large they really were, how much i had wrapped myself in. and as i took my first leap in the air, my wings knew exactly what to do. i was gliding in the air, the wind beneath my wings, blowing throw my feathers, making ruffling noises.
i could finally fly to those places i never thought i would go again, do those tihngs i never would of done becasue of my fear holding me back. but now i am free. free of this pain, of this pointless drag of fear.
i have never felt so alive, so carefree! i love it

idont miss you, i dont love you. i really dont care anymore. the past? who cares. it means nothing to me now. no more dwelling, looking back. there is only one way to walk, forward.
and as i take my frist step forward, this weight is lifteed from my shoulders. that weight, God has taken away from me and threw it away. he took my burden and turned it into dust that glitters in the air. gone. forever.
i had prayed a whole heap, and the glorious lord has answered them.

i can do all things through christ who strengthens me.
phillipians 4: 13

thank you, all those who believed in me.

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