Wednesday, March 10, 2010


i will never give up.

i relised how much i actually try, how mch i want to help, and how much i really care. is it because u charm me, because u make me laugh, because u are some how connected to my past? perhaps.. but in the end, i put my all because i cant stand what you waste ur 'could be' so wonderful life.
you are a sweet, kind caring person with alot to give to society. just for those mistakes, those tempted moments, you have been made into something else. wrapped in a web you cannot get off. but i do not believe that its ever the end. that its ever finished. becasue its not. you can never give up, none of us can, because once we do, we lose all snece of hope , all sense of happiness. even if you fall one hundred times, when you keep on trying, atleast you know that one of those times, you will stand up and succeed. why give up and sit in ur pain, when you know you can do something baout it. stand up again, and relook at the things you have done. find out ways to change them, to change urself, make better decisions. because things can change. that is sometihgn we all  ought to know. we all deserve a second chance..we all deserve the feeling of love and accpectance, no matter who we mare. we all deserve that feeling of hope. of never giving up.
i believe in myself, in you in the Lord my God, that you can pass, taht you can change that you will be able to smile and be happy forever. just listen to the soft whisper of the Angels, singing to you the words of God.
for i can do, all things through chirst who strengthens me.
a part of me knows, that i wont get that bite, to taste that fruit. But even if i dont, my dream for you will not change.
i know you can do it. the Lord believes in you

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