Wednesday, March 24, 2010


  an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
bubbles are bubbly
whisky is my pet cat
dogs are a mans best friend.             
i was once an egg                                                                                                                      
i love fruit
gorillas like king kong
home sweet home                                                                                                         
a cold winter morning, the raindrops now ice 
 peanut butter jelly sandwhich                                                                                                           
                                        kites can fly very high, that they almost touch the sky.
lemon and lime bitters                                                                                                                                 
a full moon                                                              
a bird nest of hair                    
octopus have eight legs                                                                                              
penguins waddle and are black and white                           
the queen, the king                                                                                                                             
red roses
a blanket of stars                                          
 television kills time                                                                                              
a rainbow umbrella                                                                                                                                   
vase of flowers                                                                
 water is precious                 
xylophones sound pretty                                                               
yachts are boats                                                                                                                             
zebra, black with white stripes?  or white with black stripes?                     

roses are red, 
violets are blue,
suger is sweet,
and so are you. 

roses are red,
violets are blue,
i cannot describe,
how much i love you,

you are my sun shine,
my only sunshine,
you make me happy,
when skies are grey,
you'll never know dear,
how much i love you,
so please dont take my sunshine away.

rock-a-bye-baby on the tree top,
when the wind blows,
the cradle will rock,
when the bough breaks,
the cradle will fall,
and down will come baby,
cradle and all.

its raining,
its pouring,
the old man is snoring.,
he went to bed,
and bumped his head,
and couldnt get up in the morning.
ring-a-ring o' rosies,
a pocket full of posies,
a- tishoo a-tishoo,
we all fall down.

the itsy bitsy spider,
climbed up the waterspout,
down came the rain, 
and washed the spider out.
out came the sun,
and dried up all the rain ,
so the itsy-bitsy spider,
Climbed up the spout again.
mary had a little lamb,
little lamb, 
little lamb,
mary had a little lamb,
its fleece was white as snow.

ba ba black sheep,
have you any wool,
yes sir yes sir,
three bags full,
one for the master,
one for the dame,
and one for the little boy,
who lives down the lane.

red and yellow and green and blue,
violet and indigo too,
i can sing a rainbow,
sing a rainbow too.

humpty dumpty sat on a wall,
humpty dumpty had a great fall,
all the kings horses and all the kings men,
couldnt put humpty together again.

twinkle twinkle little star,
how i wonder what you are,
up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky,
twinkle twinkle little star,
how i wonder what you are.

london bridge is falling down,
falling down,
falling down,
london bridge is falling down,
my fair lady.

jack and jill,
went up the hill,
carrying a pail of water,
jack fell down and broke his crown,
and jill came trumbling after.

little miss muffet sat on her tuffet,
eating her curds and whey,
along came a spider and sat down beside her,
and frightened miss muffet away.

eency weency spider,
crawled up the water spout,
down came the rain and washed the spider out,
out came the sunchine,
and dried up all the rain,
so eency weency spider,
crawled up the spout again.

hey diddle diddle,
the cat with the fiddle,
the cow jumoed over the moon,
the little dog laughed to see such a sport,
and the fork ran away with the spoon.

little bo peep has lost her sheep,
and doesnt know where to find them,
leave them alone and they will come home,
dragging their tails behind them.

one, two, three, four, five,
once i caught a fish alive,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
then i let it go again,
why did you let it go,
becaue it bit my finger so,
which finger did it bite,
this little finger on my right.

rain rain go away,
come back another day.

im a little teapot short and stout,
this is my handle this is my spout,
when i get all steamed up,
hear me shout,
tip me over,
pour me out.

start light, 
start bright,
frist start i see tonight,
i wish i may,
i wish i might,
have the wish i wish tonight.

1 comment:

  1. well that was random.
    LOL ;)
    you are my sun shine,
    my only sunshine,
    you make me happy,
    when skies are grey,
    you'll never know dear,
    how much i love you,
    so please dont take my sunshine away <3 ;)
