Saturday, April 10, 2010


camp was amazing.incredialbe. and once again life changing.

a few weeks before camp, life was already started heading south. with trust flying here and there, drama queens 
utter dissapointment.

i wanted to feel that splash of water on my skin, maybe it'll refresh me. so as i slid open the door, i stepped out to the heavens cry. it poured down onto me, a shower of sorrow. my whole body froze due to the breeze chilling my tears. my feet splashed down onto the concret, and each breath like a smoke from a fire, steam rising to the sky.
as i continued walking down this memory lane, i shouted this prayer to God. ' take this away, reveal yourself to me. show me a sign.' but there was nothing. at the bottom of the street i remebered all those people who have come and gone. those magical days. i stood there for a while, waited for the tears, but noithing flowed out of those eyes. with each step my clothes became heavier and heavier. the hairs on my skin standing on end. it was so cold. and so was my heart.
the rain lessened, and the crying turned into a soft sobbing. the leaves ruslted and the water was rushing down the drains. but that didnt last, soon the soft pitter patter on the neighbours roof grew and grew and echoed down the street.
there was the street light, glowing in the darkness of the night. i followed that light and stood underneath it. i looked up and the brightness glared me eyes, yet it was so beatufiful, so pure. there beside the street light was the drain, over flowed with the tears of heaven. it was like a rushing river, the strong currents pushing the sitcks and leaves down into the drain. tempted i placed my foot into the rushing river, its waves flowed over my shoe, drenching it. the coolness brought shviers down my spine. and flick, there went my foot, kicked high in the air and the water sprayed likke a waterfall, then there it went splash  back down towards the river. and sounds of the water gave me peace in my heart, like the beach was right here.
as i stayed standing under the light, my soul was filled with greeatfulness. all that the Lord has doen, all that he has given me. and i danced in the rain, singing and praising the Lord my God. each twirl, each leap in the air made me smile, made me lift my sprirt up towards God. lift me higher Lord lift me towards the heavens.
my body was now filled with fatigue, so i wobbled my way back towards my home. slid open the door and collapsed in the warm covers, soon sound asleep...

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