Thursday, January 14, 2010


i thought i did, then i didnt, now i think i still do...

how perfect would it be if i were supernatraul, immortal, part of a fantasy world where u are perfect, beautiful and stunning in everyway. you could have abilities that people dream of, you could stand out infront of people who hardly notice you, you could be ever so gorgeous that you dont even notice people staring at ur smile.
like an angel... ur so pure and kind. made with a loving soul and caring nature, with a gentle, easy going personality. with every movent so graceful and delicate, like a piece of art, you were made perfectly. angelic and admired, you make people drown in ur eyes. you are a guardian of people, help them in all situations and never let them down. always being there for all that u love and care, asiff u were holding there hands where ever they went. you came from heavens with a halo on ur head, with soft feathered wings that flutter as u go, are just only bonuses in ur perfect way. a perfect figure, slim and sexy. damn...
even a devil seems great... may not be as pure but even though we see them as hell bringers, i can help but say that evil isnt what they truely are. and plus anything that schemming and sly has got to be hot and foxy.
how about a vampire, not like dracular. but if they really existed i bet they would be beautiful beings. with they soft pale white skin that glitters in the light. their aboulsute perfect, fit, slender bodies. their unique hypnotising eyes that capture ur soul. oh the eyes... like a Cullen, with ur own power. read minds? predict the future? just being down right gorgeous? everything seems perfect..
oh even a mermaid. how great would that be. so breath underwater and has a fucking hot body. to chatter with the fish, and lie on the soft sea grass of the ocean. to dance along the dolphins, and swim with the turtles. play with stingrays and hide from sharks. i love the sea. i love the beach. the salt water wouldnt bother you, nor the sand, the soft sand at the bottom of the ocean, like infinity crushes sprinkles of diamonds that glitter in the in the water. and as you swim, ur long hair trails behind you, looking soft and delicate. it glides behind you, as u turn, as u swim in all directions. damnit i want that hair...
if i had to be one super natural thing, oh please let it be either an angel that lives on earth as a messenger for God. i would die to be something that perfect, for even just a day. to embrace the feeling of perfection.  but unfortunetly, that would ener happen. im stuck being a plain ol' human. with all the strubblnes and horrors of society. great. ill have to stay as a girl, just a girl, that fails and falls. that isnt perfect, that cant have powers of healing or time manipulation. i cant ever have the feeeling of knowing ur beautiful everyday and every hour, that u dont need to prep up and 'get ready'. embarrassment woldnt even exist, pain could easily leave and i could fly away back to heaven where everything is perfect any time of the day. i could be able to help everyone, properly, give them REAL help. and watch them from the heavens, smilling, laughing and enjoying their lives. i may live forever being an angel, not age, not change.. even if i watch the ones i love die, watching them living their lives as best as they can, being their guadian angels till they take their last breathe. would leave me no regret. the satistfaction of knowing that they know im there, knowing that they believe in me and love me, that i have helped and changed their lives is all i need to be joyous,is all i need to make me sain as an immortal character.. fantasy character...

if i had one wish....


  1. but if you had to be either a devil or an angel, ill let u be perfect, and ill take the withered rose and still make it bloom again...

  2. :O
    to bad IMMM the angel u devil person with horns!
