Tuesday, May 03, 2011


time is a precious thing.
its already May, but its felt like its still March.

For a while now ive been contemplating on whether i should move schools or not. not like i dont like mwsc, i love it here, but more for my education. JMSS is a great science and math school, which would help me greatly in becoming an occupational therapist. even though i have already enrolled for the test, i am still not sure whether ill move. thats if i even past the test itself. i dont have much faith that i will, so no worries.

lately ive been rekindling my spirit with God. finding him again and really getting myself back on track. ivve done many things that i regret doing, ive made many mistakes and gotten into bad habits. i really need to fix these problems.
i know im not perfect, never will be on this planet. i know no matter how many times i sin against the Lord my Savior i will still be loved. he will never leave me or forsake me. For he is the truth and the light. doesnt even matter if you feel as though you have betrayed God, let him down, walked away and rejected him. He will always be there. that i am never alone, and despite me believing that i do not deserve Gods love i do. we all do. we should never put a limit on gods love, as its limitless. for it is limitless. may this fire not burn out, may i not  walk away any longer, may i continue bearing amazing fruit, may i continue in serving Gods purpose and making not only myself but my leaders, church members, friends, family and God proud.

clearly its becase of you im up to this hour. but its all worth it. :)

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